Robotics-Academy exercises

Follow Line Formula1

Follow Line

Complete a lap following the line painted on the racing circuit.

Go! running - v3.2

Obstacle avoidance

Obstacle avoidance

Local navigation. Virtual Force Field navigation algorithm using a F1.

Go! running - v3.2

Drone Cat and Mouse

Drone Cat and Mouse

Game of cat and mouse with two quadrotors.

Go! running - v3.2

Basic Vacuum Cleaner

Basic Vacuum Cleaner

Navigation algorithm for an autonomous vacuum.

Go! running - v3.2

Localized Vacuum Cleaner

Localized Vacuum Cleaner

Foraging algorithm for an autonomous vacuum with good localization.

Go! running - v3.2

Color Filter

Color Filter

Develop a color filter to segment some object in the image and track it

Go! running - v3.2

Follow Turtlebot

Follow Turtlebot

Follow a turtlebot on the ground using a camera.

Go! running - v3.2

3D Reconstruction

3D Reconstruction

Reconstruct a 3D scene from a stereo pair

Go! running - v3.2

Follow Road

Follow Road

Follow a road through color filter segmentation.

Go! running - v3.2

Global Navigation

Global Navigation

Global Navigation. Navigating a Tele Taxi autonomously.

Go! running - v3.2

Labyrinth Escape

Labyrinth Escape

Escape from a labyrinth through visual signals.

Go! running - v3.2

Position Control

Position Control

Local navigation algorithm through the use of a PID controller.

Go! running - v3.2

Rescue People

Rescue People

Recognition of faces of lost people and save their locations.

Go! running - v3.2

Road Junction

Road Junction

Car Junction. Automated vehicle must stop and pass once the road is clear.

Go! running - v3.2

Drone Gymkhana

Drone Gymkhana

Learn about different drone controls and drone infrastructure.

Go! running - v3.2

Drone Hangar

Drone Hangar

Escape from a hangar filled with moving obstacles.

Go! running - v3.2

Visual Lander

Visual Lander

Visualization of a beacon and land on it.

Go! running - v3.2

OpticalFlow Teleop

OpticalFlow Teleop

Teleoperate to the robot using optical flow.

Go! running - v3.2

Montecarlo Visual Loc

Montecarlo Visual Loc

Visual localisation based on the particle filter.

Go! running - v3.2

Human Detection

Human Detection

Develop a DL human detection model to perform inference and benchmarking in real time.

Go! running - v3.2

Digit Classifier

Digit Classifier

Classify digits in real time using your own deep learning model.

Go! running - v.3.2



Logic of a navigation algorithm for an automated vehicle

Go! running - v3.2

Laser Mapping

Laser Mapping

Navigation algorithm for an autonomous vacuum.

Go! running - v3.2

MonteCarlo Laser Loc

MonteCarlo Laser Loc

Robot self-localization using particle filter and laser sensor

Go! running - v3.2

Package Delivery

Package Delivery

Deliver a package from the warehouse using a drone.

Go! running - v3.2

Power Tower Inspection

Power Tower Inspection

Perform inspection of the power towers, electrical wires, insulators (spring like object) using a drone.

Go! running - v3.2

Single Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Single Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Autonomous navigation and pick-and-place logic in ROS2

Go! prototype

Multi Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Multi Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Multi robot warehouse planning in ROS2

Go! prototype

Visual Odometry

Visual Odometry

Solving the Visual Odometry problem in a given dataset

Go! prototype

Pick and Place

Pick and Place

Pick and place with industrial robot arm and mechanical gripper

Go! prototype

Machine Vision

Machine Vision

Detect object and obstacle with kinect camera

Go! prototype

Mobile Manipulation

Mobile Manipulation

Pick and place with mobile manipulator

Go! prototype

Qualifying Formula1

Qualifying Formula1

Complete a lap to the Nürburgring circuit as fast as it can

Go! prototype

Bump and Go

Bump and Go

Basic behaviour of bump-spin using a finite state machine

Go! prototype

Follow Face

Follow Face

Detect people faces and follow them through a camera

Go! prototype

Simulated Follow Person

Follow Person (ROS2)

Follow a Person in a hospital gazebo world using Deep Learning

Go! prototype

Real Follow Person

Real Follow Person (ROS2)

Follow a Person using a real TurtleBot2 robot with Deep Learning

Go! prototype