Service Robots exercises

Basic Vacuum Cleaner

Basic Vacuum Cleaner

Navigation algorithm for an autonomous vacuum

Go! running - v3.2

Localized Vacuum Cleaner

Localized Vacuum Cleaner

Foraging algorithm for an autonomous vacuum with good localization

Go! running - v3.2

Laser Mapping

Laser Mapping

Navigation algorithm for an autonomous vacuum.

Go! running - v3.2

Single Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Single Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Autonomous navigation and pick-and-place logic in ROS2

Go! prototype

Multi Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Multi Robot Amazon Warehouse (ROS2)

Multi robot warehouse planning in ROS2

Go! prototype

Bump and Go

Bump and Go

Basic behaviour of bump-spin using a finite state machine

Go! prototype

Laser-based localization

Laser-based localization

Robot self-localization using particle filter and laser sensor

Go! prototype

Simulated Follow Person

Follow Person (ROS2)

Follow a Person in a hospital gazebo world using Deep Learning

Go! prototype

Real Follow Person

Real Follow Person (ROS2)

Follow a Person using a real TurtleBot2 robot with Deep Learning

Go! prototype