Pawan Wadhwani
pawanw17 at gmail dot com

I'm a Research Associate at the Robotics Research Center (RRC), IIIT Hyderabad advised by Prof. Madhava Krishna. My work focuses on advancing grasp planning and manipulation algorithms, with particular emphasis on developing robustness against environmental changes.

Previously I worked as a Firmware Engineer at Cradlepoint (part of Ericsson). I have also worked with JdeRobot through Google Summer of Code, working with Prof. Jose Maria Canas Plaza and Pedro Arias Pérez on the open source software Robotics Academy.

I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering with a specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning along with a minor degree in Robotics. During my undergrad I worked extensively with Team RUDRA - SRM Mars Rover, Building the Robotics and Computer Vision stack.

CV / Linkedin / Github



GPD: Guided Polynomial Diffusion for Motion Planning

Ajit Srikanth∗, Parth Mahajan∗, Kallol Saha∗, Vishal Mandadi∗, Pranjal Paul†, Pawan Wadhwani†, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, Arun Singh, Madhava Krishna
Under Review at International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025
Page  •   Video

Improving Usability of a Web-Based Platform for Teaching Robotics Engineering

Lía García-Pérez, David Roldán, Enric Cervera, Pawan Wadhwani, José M. Cañas
Robotics in Education (RiE), April 2024

Zutu: A Platform for Localization and Navigation of Swarm Robots Using Virtual Grids

Prateek, Pawan Wadhwani, Reshesh Kumar Pathak, Mayur Bhosale, A Helen Victoria
International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE), November 2022
Proceedings  •   ArXiv  •   Video


Google Summer of Code
RoboticsAcademy: Migration to ROS2 Humble

Under the mentorship of Pedro Arias Pérez, Prof. Jose Maria Canas Plaza and L. Roberto
Page  •   Report  •   Video

Team RUDRA: Mars Rover Prototype

Student research team at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Page  •   Video

3 DOF Delta Arm for waste segregation

Pawan Wadhwani, Akankshi Vaishya, Prateek, Reshesh Kumar Pathak, Mayur Bhosale, Antariksh Ray,
Technology Infusion Grand Challenge Asia, Dec 2021, La Trobe University

Autonomous Transportation System

Pawan Wadhwani(Team Lead), Nishchay Pagarani, Shashwat Vyas, Chaitanya Vyas
International Robotics Competition, Jun 2017, Beijing, China

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